Help Give #fundchat An “Extreme Makeover”

Eye of the TigerSince launching #fundchat in June, we have pulled together an amazing group of nonprofit fundraising and marketing professionals on a weekly basis to discuss an array of important topics.

As you know, the primary #fundchat platform has been Twitter. Generally, a #fundchat convo reaches over 45,000 people on Twitter from a conversation with an average of 55 participants. People across North America, Europe and the Middle East have shared their experience, ideas, tips, and struggles.

As the moderator of #fundchat, I’ve always hoped that in addition to the weekly chat, I could create a hub for these nonprofit pros to connect in between chats, to provide a place where they could continue the conversation.

Thanks to a connection made through #fundchat, we have an opportunity to give this website an “extreme makeover” in December. How can we create a destination for fundraising and marketing pros? Here are some of the questions we’re considering:

  • Can we embed Tweetchat on #fundchat blog page so that chats happen “in” the blog itself?
  • Should we post a calendar announcing for upcoming chats/topics?
  • What social media platform is the right one for #fundchat?
  • Would users like to have a more robust commenting/discussion area to foster ongoing conversation?
  • Should we create clear sections? Guest blog posts, etc.?
  • Would it be helpful to have an index of topics/tags?

There are a lot of ideas swirling about how to improve the #fundchat site, but I’d love to have your input. Please take a few minutes to share your feedback – To up the ante, I’ll send the first 50 participants of the survey a fancy #fundchat lapel button. You can show your support and your tech cred at the same time.

I’m very excited to be working with Daniel Schutzsmith (@schutzsmith), co-founder of Mark & Phil, who is generously providing the design chops and technical muscle for this project!


Brendan Kinney, moderator of #fundchat

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